Monday, December 2, 2013


I had a cup of coffee this morning, and it got my brain jumping!

I realize that I have a lot of stuff to catch you up on, but...
I'm not really interested in doing that right now.  Sorry.
I apologize for that.  I'm not being flippant.

My epiphany this morning was rather eye-opening for me, and  I just have to get it down in words.   =-)
Hopefully I can explain it sufficiently.
Usually, when I have one of these epiphanies, it's more like just a concept in my head, and I can't sufficiently put it in physical Words...
I'll try anyway.   =-)

We are all made up of Energy, just as we're made up of skin and bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, and individual cells, right?

Well, that Energy flows.  Just like Water.

And sometimes, Energy gets stagnant, just like Water.
Or sometimes that Energy gets "overwhelming" (over-active), just like Water.

Think about it.

You've seen water before that's just sitting.
It can become stale and stagnant.
(And when I'm talking about Water here, I mean water either in Nature, or in your Kitchen Sink.  Water is Water.  Right?)
So you've most likely seen water that's "trapped" somewhere.
It becomes stale.  And eventually, if it's "trapped" long enough, it becomes stagnant and "yucky".  Perhaps molded.  Or with algae growing in and/or on it.  It smells bad.  It looks bad.  It feels bad.  (I assume it tastes bad; I've never tried it.)

But then, there's "healthy" water, too.
Water that's flowing, whether slowly or strongly.
Water that's fresh and clear and moving.
That's "healthy" water.  You want to play in it, or bathe in it, or drink it in.  You "just know" that it's "Good" Water.

And then there's water that's "over-active".  "Too much for it's own good."  Water that's in the form of a tsunami, or a flood, or rain just *pouring* down.  That's an "excess" of water.

(I later realized that I can use the metaphors of any of the other Elements, as well.  Earth, Air, Fire.  It's just that Water happened to "settle in my understanding" first.)

Energy is just the same way.
You can have Energy that's stagnant and/or blocked in some way.
You can also have Energy that's tooo much.  Overflowing, or overbearing.
And then, you can have Energy that's moving, flowing, Healthy.  "Just right".

And I correlate this stagnant Energy with Depression,
and the "over-active" Energy with Anger.
And a mixture of the two I correlate with Anxiety and/or Panic Attacks.

How does this Energy become stagnant?  Or "over-flowing"?

That happens from our emotions, trauma, drama, illness, injury, surgery, worry, and/or stress.  

What can we do about it?
What if you feel "out of sorts"?

There are many exercises in Energy books and on websites.
I tend to like many of the exercises recommended by Donna Eden in her book, Energy Medicine.
My Dad likes the ones that Ann Marie Chiasson does in her book, Energy Healing.
I'll try to put up a few links to some in the coming days.  Otherwise, you can just look on Google and you'll find *tons* of them for yourself.
Do what "resonates" with you.
Do the ones that "sound right" and "feel right" in YOUR body.

I also am becoming a staunch "believer" in ("supporter" of) Meditation.
Or Prayer, if you prefer.  But when I say Prayer, I mean more of a "sitting with God" and just listening.  Ask him/her a question and then sit in stillness and wait for the Answer, while you simply breathe in and out.
That's really what Meditation is, and I correlate it with Prayer.

I am also realizing I'm an Energy Worker.  I would say "Energy Healer", but I seriously hesitate to use that statement.
For me, it's more like I am a vessel, or a conduit for "the Angels", and They use me and "do healings" through me.
I've been working with others for a number of months now, and they always feel better after a session with me.

There is a TON I could write about here, but I mustn't.
This post is supposed to be only about my Epiphany from this morning.
This is supposed to be about the metaphor of Water and Energy.
I'll leave the "explanations" of how I got to Energy Work for another post.


So.  Anyway.

Energy is all around us, in us, on us, "through" us and we are governed by it.

Two years ago, I thought this "stuff" was TOTAL Bullshit!

But with Yoga, my Yoga teacher training classes, meditating, reading, and experiencing things in my own body and mind, I've come to realize that it's True.
Call it Energy.  Call it Angels.  Call it a "crazy woman who just turned 50!" Call it whatever you wish, but I'm here to tell you that, for me at least, this realization has made a huge difference in my life.

I haven't suffered from my Depression in a looong time.
And I attribute that to this "Energy Healing Stuff".

I feel better than I have in a looong time.
The arthritis in my knees hasn't bothered me in a long time, either.  Now most of that I attribute to Yoga.  But I honestly believe that Yoga moves Energy in the body in ways that it needs to move.  Especially if you have a Good Yoga teacher.   =-)
Find one who "resonates" with you.  You'll know what I mean once you find one (or 2 or 3).   =-)  ('Cause I think it's good to have more than one Yoga teacher.  It's good to "shake things up"!)   =-)

Meditation or Prayer.
Yoga (or *some* type of regular movement that makes your Heart "shine" or "sing").
And the eventual "Opening Up" to other Human Beings that is the reason we are here on this Earth.
Those are the things I "recommend" for each of us.


I'll be back.
I'll try to find the time to "catch you up" on how I got here to this point of "believing" in Energy.
I'll try to give you some links to some Energy exercises for your "betterment".
I'll try to continue to give Encouragement where I can.
I'll try to explain what it is I'm doing, and how *you* too can do this, if you want.   =-)

I discovered this summer that I am here simply to Love Others.
THAT was quite a revelation!
I shall *try* to explain that one to you, too.   =-)

In the meantime,  
Love Life!
And remember...
Self-criticism *never* leads to Self-improvement.

(Try telling yourself that each day, at least once a day, but preferrably THREE times a day!)   =-)

Back soon (-ish)!!!


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