Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tell Your Mama "Hey"

I finished my Blue WaveRunner yesterday!!!
I know it's been a long while since i've quilted and/or posted about a quilt...
Sorry.  But i haven't been home a lot, and when i have been home, i haven't really felt like quilting...
And did i mention that i started a new blog? !
I'm posting a quilt a day, and they're NOT my quilts.
Just quilts that have "It" for me.
Quilts i look at and love *instantly*.

I finished Blue WaveRunner!!!
I just need to take pictures of it, make a label, and decide if i'm going to enter it in the local quilt show...
Plus, i originally made if for someone... but now... i'm thinking about keeping it for myself:
a.)  I didn't tell the friend that i'm making this quilt for him.
b.)  I really, really like it and
c.)   if i give it to him, I will most likely *never* see it again!  (He lives in Guatemala, and i don't think i'll ever be able to go there.)

So i have some thinking to do.

Anyway, it's Mother's Day, so

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers out there!
Call your Mom and tell her you love her!
(Even if she pisses you off sometimes.  We're only human too, you know.)

I already called mine.  She said Happy Mother's Day to you too!



  1. Another quilt post (sigh) LMAO! Just kidding. Hope that you had a happy Mother's day!

  2. Happy belated Mother's Day. Can't wait to see a photo of the quilt!

  3. Hmmm.... that's a tough one - I'd have to love someone a lot to give away something with that much of me in it.

    Hope your mother's day was fab!
