Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today is Boyfriend's birthday.

I always call him "Boyfriend" on here, but that's just because of the 'anonymity'  thing 'we' all try to maintain on blogs.

In actuality, i've been married to this *very* wonderful man for over 28 years!

It's kinda hard to believe that someone could love me as completely and as forgiving-ly  as this man has... AND for more than TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS!!!!!

That's really hard to believe.

But even harder to believe is how MUCH he loves me.
How much he SHOWS me he loves me.
How, after all these years, he's still excited to see me.
...and i don't just mean when i'm naked.
...though, after ALL these years, i'm NOT as young and "nubile" as i once was, and yet... he's STILL excited to see me... even though my skin is starting to sag... and my hair is *definitely* getting grey... and my "girls" are definitely NOT what they once were... and allllllll the aging i've been doing lately...
i'm starting to depress myself now...

But my point was!  He's STILL EXCITED!
And i am SO THANKFUL!!!

Thank you, Herman, for being in my life.
Thank you for staying with me through it alllll.
Thank you for loving me.  For putting up with my shit.  For "overlooking" sooooo much.  For being patient.  For adapting.  For listening... ESPECIALLY for listening when i don't/won't talk!!!

I cannot thank you enough for all the things you do, and for the person you are, and for the ways you love me.
I do NOT know what i would do if something happened to you!

And i hope i don't find out.
I would curl up into a tight little ball and cry myself to sleep for a looong time.  

Happy Birthday to the Man who may not be Perfect
but who's Perfect FOR ME!!!

August, 1983

March, 2011
(Herman's B'day @ Chima's)

...and here's to 28 MORE!!!  (*IF* you can take it!)  


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